The purpose of the Hope After Loss Compassionate Care Award is to recognize and promote excellence in the care of families who have lost a pregnancy or infant. All healthcare providers in the state of Connecticut are eligible to be nominated by someone who has suffered a loss in the past three years and we are particularly interested in hearing stories of compassion during the pandemic. Every nominator may nominate multiple people in a group or institution but may submit only one nomination per year.
About the Compassionate Care Award

We wish our organization didn’t have to exist. We wish babies didn’t die and parents did not have to hear the words, “I’m sorry, there is no heartbeat.” Tragically, this happens every day and we try to be there for families experiencing loss every step of the way – providing connections, comfort and care - but also as a resource for caregivers wanting to best support their patients.
The Compassionate Care Awards is an inspirational award that recognizes exemplary care given to someone who has experienced a pregnancy or infant loss. Care providers are nominated by members of our loss community and selected by our Board of Directors.
We want to share some amazing stories of how caregivers have gone the extra mile for families who have lost babies.
Every year we receive many inspiring stories of compassionate care given to members of our community during some of their darkest times. It is never easy for a parent to have to say goodbye to their much wanted baby but these caregivers help make it less awful for families experiencing this tragic loss.
The winner of the award is honored at the Hope After Loss Gala held in May. For more information about that gala, click here!